Pavol Blažek

He entered the art scene in the 1980´s and has since gone through several stages of development. He received painting training from prof. M. Rašlu / 1979 -1983 / and in graphics and illustrations by prof. D. Stopiaka / 1984 – 1986 VŠVU /. His inner turmoil and full interest in his work forced him to look for new forms of painting, he experimented with the structure of the surface, his exceptional feeling for colors led him to interesting color games. He went from early study positions through the landscape, constructive-linear conception, figural creation to the latest manifestations of imaginative to mystical pasty compositions in magical color harmonies, in which figural symbols are hidden, forcing perpetrators to try to unravel the story. Pavel Blažek’s paintings draw on themes from history, mythology, and legends, but they also respond to current events in the world and in our country. He pays close attention to relationships between people, especially between men and women. He likes to create thematic areas, turns the subject from different angles, spontaneous expressive expression alternates with a thoughtful to refined composition. His works do not simply show to us, they affect our senses. They attract the look of a magnet with their surreal color, sometimes relaxed lines, sometimes complex labyrinth of lines and surfaces. They provide an insight into the inner world of the author, his views, emotional tension as a reference to the present time full of chaos, a number of changes that we are not able to absorb. We lose and rediscover the path of our own being.

Pavol Blažek lives and works in Brezová pod Bradlom.

PhDr. Iveta Lenická

  • Z tvorby, Záhorská galéria Senica
  • Výber z tvorby, Bild Gallery, Mannersdorf, RAKÚSKO
  • Maľby a sochy, SŠ Kúpele Piešťany (spolu A. Drahoš, E. Kalický)
  • Maľby a kresby, Múzeum SNR, Myjava
  • Obrazy a kresby, Považská galéria, Žilina
  • Obrazy, Galéria ZUŠ, Brezová pod Bradlom
  • Moja krajina, Galéria Heffner, Bratislava
  • Modrá extáza, Dom umenia, Piešťany
  • Priestor, GM Gallery, Viedeň, RAKÚSKO
  • Z tvorby, Národná rada SR, Bratislava
  • Súradnice, Galéria Dielo, Bratislava
  • Čarofarby, Galerie Nowak, Brno, ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
  • Meditácie, Zichyho palác, Bratislava
  • Terra, Centro Arte Bardi, Florencia, TALIANSKO
  • Interaction, Galéria Fontána, Piešťany (spolu R. Hrčka, J. Hrčková-Stankovianska, J. Mikulčík)
  • Maľby, Galerija Slika, Trogir, CHORVÁTSKO
  • Kresby a ilustrácie, Galerie M, Praha, ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
  • Ingredience Of Continent, Blanch Gallery, Brusel, BELGICKO
  • Dialógy s maľbou, Galéria Fontána, Piešťany
  • Nočné ruže, Galéria Brezová pod Bradlom
  • V teritóriu farieb, Renesančný kaštieľ, Galanta
  • III. stretnutie umelcov Záhoria, Záhorská galéria, Senica
  • Salón ZVUZS, múzeum Trnava
  • Umelci regiónu, Galéria, Mistelbach, RAKÚSKO
  • IV. stretnutie umelcov Záhoria, Záhorská galéria, Senica
  • Salón ZVUZS, múzeum Trnava, Dunajská Streda
  • Premio Cittá, Villa Baruchello, Porto Sant Elpidio, TALIANSKO – Cena za maľbu Premio Cittá di Porto Sant Elpidio 2007 Taliansko
  • Jubilanti UBS, Dom umenia, Bratislava
  • Dubček – vznik legendy, Národná rada SR, Bratislava
  • V. Stretnutie umelcov Záhoria, Záhorská galéria, Senica
  • Erato, Art-Ma galéria, Dunajská Streda
  • Iná krajina, múzeum Trnava, Dunajská Streda
  • Artmisia 90, Dom umenia, Bratislava
  • International Art, Kunsthalle, Berlin, GERMANY
  • Salón ZVUZS, múzeum Trnava
  • Ars Salutem Pozdrav umením, Dom Umenia, Bratislava
  • Umelci regiónu, Galéria, Mistelbach, RAKÚSKO
  • Moravský Salón, zámok, Bzenec, ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
  • Erato, ZS múzeum, Trnava
  • Abstrakcia, Galéria Slovenského rozhlasu, Bratislava
  • VI. Stretnutie umelcov Záhoria, Záhorská galéria JM, Senica
  • Experience, Galéria Slovenského rozhlasu, Bratislava
  • Ambition, Galéria Silencium, Bratislava
  • Salón 2016, Renesančný kaštieľ, Galanta
  • Koloria, Galéria Bratislavského hradu, Bratislava
  • Salón 2018, Renesančný kaštieľ, Galanta
  • Totum pro arte, Kulturpark, Košice
  • Stretnutie umelcov Záhoria, Záhorská galéria JM, Senica
  • Artéria, Záhorská galéria JM, Senica
  • UBS 99, Galéria Pálffy, Bratislava
  • Salón SVU, Galéria Umelka, Bratislava
  • Artmisia storočím, Galéria zámku Holíč
  • Jubilanti UBS, Galéria Topoľčany

Pavol Blažek

He entered the art scene in the 1980´s and has since gone through several stages of development. He received painting training from prof. M. Rašlu / 1979 -1983 / and in graphics and illustrations by prof. D. Stopiaka / 1984 – 1986 VŠVU /. His inner turmoil and full interest in his work forced him to look for new forms of painting, he experimented with the structure of the surface, his exceptional feeling for colors led him to interesting color games. He went from early study positions through the landscape, constructive-linear conception, figural creation to the latest manifestations of imaginative to mystical pasty compositions in magical color harmonies, in which figural symbols are hidden, forcing perpetrators to try to unravel the story. Pavel Blažek’s paintings draw on themes from history, mythology, and legends, but they also respond to current events in the world and in our country. He pays close attention to relationships between people, especially between men and women. He likes to create thematic areas, turns the subject from different angles, spontaneous expressive expression alternates with a thoughtful to refined composition. His works do not simply show to us, they affect our senses. They attract the look of a magnet with their surreal color, sometimes relaxed lines, sometimes complex labyrinth of lines and surfaces. They provide an insight into the inner world of the author, his views, emotional tension as a reference to the present time full of chaos, a number of changes that we are not able to absorb. We lose and rediscover the path of our own being.

Pavol Blažek lives and works in Brezová pod Bradlom.

PhDr. Iveta Lenická