Glózik Ján
Jan Glozik was born in 1957 in Kovacica. He finished his elementary school here, and that moment is tight up to start of his interest in painting. Judgment for that was often visit to exhibitions of Kovacica’s painters. After viewing those beautiful paintings, he wanted and tried to make painting on his own. He couldn’t manage it, because he did not know the technique of preparing the canvas, oil colors, etc. After few years of trying to find his own artistic impression, he asked Zuzana Chalupova for help. She helped him gladly, by letting him know the secrets of preparing colors and canvas. At the beginning of 1975, he made his first painting named “Going out to field”. At the same time, the first club of Kovacica’s painters opens. He was good friend with the president of the club, Martin Kizur, who later becomes academic painter, they talk about art, even had a trip to Italy where Jan Glozik was inspired by the skills of the old Italian masters of painting. He presented his works on annual exhibitions of this club every may. In the middle of 80’s he had his first exhibition. First collective exhibition was in Kovacica in 1989. He was admitted to Kovacica naive art council in 1989. During the year 2000 he was the president of the council. The themes in his works are often peasants, their work in field or yard, customs related to holidays from life of Slovaks who came in these parts of county two hundred years ago in search of better life. He had 40 separate exhibitions in country and foreign by now.
- 1983 Galerija 3.oktobar, Kovačica (Serbia)
- 1989 Galerija Tamiš, Pančevo (Serbia)
- 1990 a 1992 Galerija 3.oktobar, Kovačica (Serbia)
- 1992 Turčianska Galéria, Martin (Slovakia)
- 1993 Kulturni centar Beograda, Belehrad (Serbia)
- 1994 International Monetary fund World bank, Washington (USA)
- 1995 Gallery Casper, Morges (Switzerland)
- 1995 Gallery Jambory, Dronten (Holland)
- 1996 Likovni salon VMA, Belehrad (Serbia)
- 1996 Galéria Klasik, Žilina (Slovakia)
- 1997 National library Gallery, Bukurešť (Romania)
- 1997 a 2001 Galéria MIRO, Snina (Slovakia)
- 1998 Gallery Quinto do Lago, Lisabon (Portugal)
- 1999 Galerija poljoprivrednog kluba, Kulpín (Serbia)
- 2000 Galéria pri jasliach, Báčsky Petrovec (Serbia)
- 2000 Galerija Pečat, Nový Sad (Serbia)
- 2000 a 2002 Galerija naivne umetnosti, Kovačica (Serbia)
- 2002 Gallery of Slovak embassy, Londýn (United Kingdom)
- Gallery 3. Oktobar – 1990, 2000 and 2002 – Kovačica (Serbia)
- Gallery Andy – 2003 – Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Galerija doma VSRB – October 2004 – Belgrade (Serbia)
- Galerija zadužbine kralja Petra I – 2005 – Topola (Serbia)
- Galeria na Namesti – 9th December 2005 – Topolčany (Slovakia)
- Gallery Infocen Svk. ekonom. knižnice EU – 7th February 2006 – Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Gallery Malmitalo – 12th March 2007 – Helsinki (Finland)
- Gallery Metropolitan art museum – Oktober 2007 – Tokyo (Japan)
- 2007 Galerija Babka, Kovačica (Serbia)
- 2009 Grasalkovičov palác alebo Prezidentský palace, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- 2011 Galerija Diplomatski klub, Belehrad (Serbia)
- 2013 Biblioteka Šabačka, Šabac (Serbia)
- 2013 Embassy of Slovak republic in China, Peking (China)
- 2013 Czechoslovak – Chinese Friendship Farm Art Pavilion, Šanghaj (China)
- 2013 Swissotel Kempinski Beijing, Peking (China)
- 2015 Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- 2015 Pálffiho palác, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- 2016 Art Revolution Taipei (Taiwan)
- 2016 CT Gallery, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- 2016 Záhorské osvetové stredisko, Senica (Slovakia)
- 2017 Evanjelická boholovecká fakulta UK, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- 1995 Special award of Gallery Kasper: Prix Suisse et prix Europe de peinture primitive moderne
- 1996 Druhe bienale insity Trenčín, Slovakia
- 1999 Salonul international de arta naive Bucuresti, Romania
- 2015 Strieborná plaketa za tvorivosť a propagáciu slovenského insitného umenia v Srbsku, za rozvoj slovensko – srbských vzťahov v oblasti kultúry a prezentáciu Slovenskej republiky v zahraničí.
- 2015 Art Revolution Taipei II cena čiže strieborná plaketa
- 2016 Veľká zlatá plaketa pre prínos a prezentáciu Obce Kovačica a Republiky Srbsko, doma a v zahraničí, v oblasti výtvarnej tvorby za rok 2015, v kategórii jednotlivcov.
- 2016 Art Revolution Taipei 2016 III cena čiže bronzová plaketa pre prínos v insitnom umení.
Ján Glózik
Jan Glozik was born in 1957 in Kovacica. He finished his elementary school here, and that moment is tight up to start of his interest in painting. Judgment for that was often visit to exhibitions of Kovacica’s painters. After viewing those beautiful paintings, he wanted and tried to make painting on his own. He couldn’t manage it, because he did not know the technique of preparing the canvas, oil colors, etc. After few years of trying to find his own artistic impression, he asked Zuzana Chalupova for help. She helped him gladly, by letting him know the secrets of preparing colors and canvas. At the beginning of 1975, he made his first painting named “Going out to field”. At the same time, the first club of Kovacica’s painters opens. He was good friend with the president of the club, Martin Kizur, who later becomes academic painter, they talk about art, even had a trip to Italy where Jan Glozik was inspired by the skills of the old Italian masters of painting. He presented his works on annual exhibitions of this club every may. In the middle of 80’s he had his first exhibition. First collective exhibition was in Kovacica in 1989. He was admitted to Kovacica naive art council in 1989. During the year 2000 he was the president of the council. The themes in his works are often peasants, their work in field or yard, customs related to holidays from life of Slovaks who came in these parts of county two hundred years ago in search of better life. He had 40 separate exhibitions in country and foreign by now.