Mgr. Stanislava Habšudová
Stanislava Habšudová was born on February 19, 1979 in Ilava and said about herself:
„From the age of five, I started attending even then, the Basic Ludova art school in Dubnica nad Váhom, under the guidance of Mr. teacher Jaroslav Svetlík. In 1993-1997 I studied at the Glass School of Applied Art in Lednické Rovne. Department of glass painting and etching. Here I learned interesting things about glass, applying colors to glass and various technological procedures. I was fascinated by glass, gradually I started making objects from annealed glass.In 1999-2004, I started my studies at the University of Konstantin the Philosopher in Nitra – faculty of education, field: art education. From primary objects made of tempered glass and painting on glass, I gradually moved to painting compositions inspired by nature. The observed landscape, its structures invisible to the eye, shapes and figures, depicting in an abstract form, seen as if from a bird’s eye perspective inspired by roads, aerial views of the landscape. To capture these moments more intensively, I used the techniques of scratching, washing, layering, overlaying colors and surfaces. While working at the School of Applied Art in Kremnica as a teacher of professional subjects from 2006 – 2011, my work underwent many changes. Due to the fact that I taught goldsmithing and silversmithing, I began to notice the work of students, as from ordinary sheet metal, you can create an interesting brass, copper or silver piece of jewelry supplemented with a semi-precious stone or other material. This moment led me to a new inspiration to change the painting technique and color, which became significantly brighter compared to the previous paintings. The subject was student work – jewelry, which I photographed and found interesting reflections in. By transforming into different colored areas, compositions underlined by horizontal and vertical lines began to emerge. The second branch that grew close to my heart was artistic blacksmithing and locksmithing. So much so that I signed up for a group led by my colleague Benedikt Jurčo and with his help I tried out how the material heated in the forge and plastically forged behaves. I created two bowls from copper and brass, intended as an interior accessory.“
1999 – 2004
- Faculty of Pedagogy University of Konstantin Filozof – Nitra, Department – art education
1993 – 1997
- School of applied art – Lednické Rovne, Department – art painting and glass etching
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- Stála expozícia dubnických výtvarníkov – Dubnický kaštieľ
- Výtvarné spektrum neprofesionálnych výtvarníkov – Trenčín
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- Stála expozícia dubnických výtvarníkov – Dubnický kaštieľ
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- Výtvarné spektrum neprofesionálnych výtvarníkov – Trenčín
- Stretnutie – Setkáni – Družobná výstava výtvarníkov a fotografov – Trenčín – Uherské Hradište
- 2. Výber absolventov KVTV PF – Nitra
- 1. Výber absolventov KVTV PF – Nitra
- 16. Výtvarný salón trenčianskeho kraja
- 14. Výtvarný salón trenčianskeho kraja
- 13. Výtvarný salón trenčianskeho kraja
- Výtvarné spektrum – národné osvetové centrum – Humenné
- 9. Výtvarné spektrum – súťažná výstava neprofesionálnej Výtvarnej tvorby
- Art exhibicion prima, župný dom – Púchov
- Art exhibicion prima, župný dom – Púchov
- Mobility, Nitrianska štátna galéria – výstava PF UKF Nitra, Katedra – výtvarnej výchovy v spolupráci s Univerzitou v Hradci Králové, Katedra výtvarnej výchovy
Mgr. Stanislava Habšudová
Stanislava Habšudová was born on February 19, 1979 in Ilava and said about herself:
„From the age of five, I started attending even then, the Basic Ludova art school in Dubnica nad Váhom, under the guidance of Mr. teacher Jaroslav Svetlík. In 1993-1997 I studied at the Glass School of Applied Art in Lednické Rovne. Department of glass painting and etching. Here I learned interesting things about glass, applying colors to glass and various technological procedures. I was fascinated by glass, gradually I started making objects from annealed glass.In 1999-2004, I started my studies at the University of Konstantin the Philosopher in Nitra – faculty of education, field: art education. From primary objects made of tempered glass and painting on glass, I gradually moved to painting compositions inspired by nature. The observed landscape, its structures invisible to the eye, shapes and figures, depicting in an abstract form, seen as if from a bird’s eye perspective inspired by roads, aerial views of the landscape. To capture these moments more intensively, I used the techniques of scratching, washing, layering, overlaying colors and surfaces. While working at the School of Applied Art in Kremnica as a teacher of professional subjects from 2006 – 2011, my work underwent many changes. Due to the fact that I taught goldsmithing and silversmithing, I began to notice the work of students, as from ordinary sheet metal, you can create an interesting brass, copper or silver piece of jewelry supplemented with a semi-precious stone or other material. This moment led me to a new inspiration to change the painting technique and color, which became significantly brighter compared to the previous paintings. The subject was student work – jewelry, which I photographed and found interesting reflections in. By transforming into different colored areas, compositions underlined by horizontal and vertical lines began to emerge. The second branch that grew close to my heart was artistic blacksmithing and locksmithing. So much so that I signed up for a group led by my colleague Benedikt Jurčo and with his help I tried out how the material heated in the forge and plastically forged behaves. I created two bowls from copper and brass, intended as an interior accessory.“