Hieroným Balko

Hieroným Balko was born in 1952 at 23rd of October in Slepcany, small village by Nitra.

He began his artistic work at a high school in Zlate Moravce where his first exhibition took place. From 1971 he was working as an artist and later on as a promotional artist. Paradoxically, his first hundred or so drawings, for his first independent exhibition, which took place at Orava, were created in between 1987 and 1990 when he was working on a gas pipeline in Kazakhstan. Later on he made many drawings of historic city architectures which were published as sets of drawings for places like Tvrdosin, Trstenna, Podbiel and Liesk. He also worked as a professional utility graphics designer. He designed book covers and illustrated multiple books, such as: Poviedky neskorého leta 2010 and Muž s drozdom na pleci 2012. He also designed medal (Medal of Vavrines Benedict – Nedozersky, 2000) and in a competition organized by National Bank of Slovakia, he won several times a 3rd place in designing commemorative coin. He made several plagues, monuments and statues made of wood, stone or bronze dedicated to historically significant people (Plaque for L. Toth, cemetery in Rohace, 2010). Except for his arts he also writes professional culturaly-social focused texts and poetry. He lives and creates in attic atelier in Tvrdosin at Orava.

About his arts and themes:

„I am intrigued by the relationship between form and content. From drawing, graphics, painting and relief through assemblage and plastic arts I am not attempting to create unique personal artistic statement, I am but attempting to connect to general social levels valid from time immemorial.”

  • KRESBY, MsKS Tvrdošín
  • ZNAK-RELIÉF, MsKS Tvrdošín
  • VÝTVOR(Y), Rotunda Nižná
  • VÝTVOR(Y), Bratislavský hrad
  • OB(JA)VY ORA(VY), Múzeum Oravskej dediny
  • STOPY, Havířov
  • POHĽADY V ČASE, MsKS Tvrdošín
  • OB(JA)VY ORA(VY) 2, Múzeum Oravskej dediny
  • PODOBY DOBY, Oravské múzeum – Florinov dom, Dolný Kubín
  • HIERARCH(Y)E, ART Galéria Schürger, Tvrdošín
  • HIERARCH(Y)E, Vráble
  • ROVINY, Atelier Hlavina v Sklenenom pavilóne Kaštieľa Čereňany
  • Dekoratívna stena ZŠ Medvedzie s reliéfom M. Medveckej, epoxid
  • Návrhy pamätných mincí v súťažiach Národnej banky Slovenska, päťkrát tretia cena 1993-2010
  • Pamätná tabuľa – diplomat J. Cieker, žula, Tvrdošín, Kino Javor (1999)
  • Medaila Vavrinec Benedikt – Nedožerský, (2000)
  • Pamätník „Pocta Marekovi Frauwirthovi“,  drevo, mosadz, kameň, Tvrdošín( 2000)
  • Pamätná tabuľa s bustou – biskup Vojtaššák, pieskovec, fara Tvrdošín (2001)
  • Pomník – Ignác Gessay, novinár, politik, bronz, kameň , pri Spojenej škole Medvedzie (2001)
  • Parková plastika  Nováky, kombinovaný materiál, 2003
  • Cesty Tvrdošína, dve veľkoplošné olejomaľby, Radnica Tvrdošín,2006
  • Plastika s bustou J. A. Komenského, Cena Rady rodičovských združení Slovenska, (2004)
  • Reliéfna pamätná tabuľa – mons. V. Trstenský, pieskovcový kompozit, Trstená(2008)
  • Pamätná tabuľa s bustou Š. Šmálik, kňaz, historik, fara Tvrdošín(2008)
  • Busta blahoslavenej  Sr. Zdenky Schelingovej, epoxid, škola Krivá(2009
  • Pamätná doska L. Tóthovi, epoxid, symbolický cintorín – Roháče (2010)
  • Ilustrácie kníh Jána Štepitu : Poviedky neskorého leta 2010, Muž s drozdom na pleci 2012
  • Galéria 12 osobností Trstenej,  kresby, podklady na pieskovanie, Nám. M. R. Štefánika 2011
  • Tvrdošín (2000, reedícia 2003),
  • Podbiel (2002),Liesek (2006),
  • Trstená (2008),
  • Tvrdošín  II.(2009)

Hieroným Balko

Hieroným Balko was born in 1952 at 23rd of October in Slepcany, small village by Nitra.

He began his artistic work at a high school in Zlate Moravce where his first exhibition took place. From 1971 he was working as an artist and later on as a promotional artist. Paradoxically, his first hundred or so drawings, for his first independent exhibition, which took place at Orava, were created in between 1987 and 1990 when he was working on a gas pipeline in Kazakhstan. Later on he made many drawings of historic city architectures which were published as sets of drawings for places like Tvrdosin, Trstenna, Podbiel and Liesk. He also worked as a professional utility graphics designer. He designed book covers and illustrated multiple books, such as: Poviedky neskorého leta 2010 and Muž s drozdom na pleci 2012. He also designed medal (Medal of Vavrines Benedict – Nedozersky, 2000) and in a competition organized by National Bank of Slovakia, he won several times a 3rd place in designing commemorative coin. He made several plagues, monuments and statues made of wood, stone or bronze dedicated to historically significant people (Plaque for L. Toth, cemetery in Rohace, 2010). Except for his arts he also writes professional culturaly-social focused texts and poetry. He lives and creates in attic atelier in Tvrdosin at Orava.

About his arts and themes:

„I am intrigued by the relationship between form and content. From drawing, graphics, painting and relief through assemblage and plastic arts I am not attempting to create unique personal artistic statement, I am but attempting to connect to general social levels valid from time immemorial.”